I hope to Nurture a Strong ‘Budhape ki Lathi’ for myself
Why was I over assertive on having a confident girl and didn’t care about it when I had a boy? Why I wanted to raise my girl to take care of me in the old age but with a son, I should expect him to lead his own life without worrying about his aging parents?
Know The Ingredients In Your Child’s Health Drink
Looking back, I realize that the first year of parenting was the easiest because I never had to bother about the nutrition for my baby. In fact, till 2 years of age breastfeeding was fulfilling all the nutritional requirements. Post 2 years, the only thing …
Can Height And Weight Alone Determine Your Kid’s Health?
As parents, we keep a track of the baby’s height and weight and believe that it is a true indicator of his growth and health. We are contented and happy in the fact that he or she meets or exceeds the average weight and height …
6 Incredible Ways In Which Summer Crafts Help Your Child’s Personality Development
Craft is a critically important aspect of a child’s development. Making projects is not just about colours and creativity, but is a means of fun-learning for developing all rounded personality of kids.
Parties Make Sundays=Fundays! Not For Me
As a kid, Sundays meant playing all day long or family outings. As a college student, Sundays were synonymous with parties. In my job life, Sundays were eagerly awaited to sleep all day long!! I miss those carefree days spent in a messy room, lying …